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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Either Way…Fabulous!

I haven’t been blow drying my hair lately.
My roots are growing out.
Some of those roots are gray.
I haven’t had my eyebrows threaded in about three weeks, either.
Since I was sick last week, I am way behind on laundry.
The workout clothes that have been sitting forlorn in the bottom drawer of my dresser are happy to report that they’re finally seeing some action.
I don’t even know when the last time I had a pedicure actually was.
I can just hear all my life mentors and awesome self actualized friends say something to the effect of, “You really need to make time for yourself.  That’s soooo important.”
I believe that.  I live that.
But, I’m just not in a place right now where I see all of those things as things I do for myself.
Right now, making time for myself basically consists of sitting in front of the television and vegging out.
I’m in my “cave” right now, and I have the hairy eyebrows to prove it.
In my defense, may I argue that I am taking care of myself by not taking care of myself right now?
Right now, I need to be in clothes that can double as my pajamas and watch SVU reruns in my spare time.
Despite my super-duper-evolvedness about not “taking care of myself” lately, I have looked in the mirror once or twice this past week and thought, “Yikes.”
Enter my secret weapon.  Which I’m going to share with you because you totally deserve it.

Now, is it just me, or do these women look FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC either way?
They do.  They really do.
And so do I.
Yeah, yeah, I see that their eyebrows are done.

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